Designs from your favourite makers include desirable collections with names that evoke the romance of breakfast in bed at a luxurious resort with your significant other, feeling like a Royal or a mysterious character in a beloved novel or movie, all the while linked to the possibility of cosmopolitan adventures, memorably created during a laid-back Summer: LOVE and Love, Maillon, Rendezvous, Marrakech, Siviglia, Imperiale, Gatsby and Rosée du Matin.

Boutique Jewels Auction

August 17, 2022

The upcoming August auction offers you one of the largest selections of desirable jewellery ever presented by Dupuis. Your interest will be pleasantly piqued by the nearly 800 Lots, perfect for summertime and beyond; you’re absolutely sure to find just what you’ve been looking for, and some surprises as well: bold, dainty, antique, Art Deco, joyful colourful gems or classic diamonds, take your pick.

Preview & Auction Details Online Catalogue

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